I’m Going Independent!

After a lot of querying, and a lot of research, I’ve decided: I’m going to publish my books independently. Overall, I’m both nervous and excited about this new undertaking. But I firmly believe it will be a positive experience. Most importantly, I’m looking forward to releasing my first book into the world in eBook, paperback, and audiobook formats using Amazon’s Direct Publishing services.

I describe my Pond Investigations Mystery series as a cross between a cozy and traditional mystery. It’s a cozy as it doesn’t have an abundance of forensic details or steamy scenes. It’s a traditional mystery because my protagonist is a license private investigator. The hook: Liz is a psychic who doesn’t believe in psychics.

I’m looking forward to introducing my readers to my fun group of characters and a series of mysteries that will take them through the beautiful and historic San Antonio, Texas.

Blurb for Mad Money & Murder

Liz Pond is a private investigator with her own agency in historic San Antonio, Texas. Her specialty is proving that con artists are frauds, and Liz knows just how to spot a fake…by using her own secret psychic abilities.

However, after the failed rescue of a kidnapped woman, Liz has lost all faith in herself as a PI. She’s also lost her psychic abilities and doesn’t know if she’ll ever get them back.

While walking along the San Antonio River Walk during its annual draining, Liz finds a body weighted down at the bottom of the drained river. The victim’s roommate hires Liz to find the killer. Liz agrees to take this one last case because she can’t stand the idea of seeing a murderer escape justice. With a romance with a local police detective bubbling just below the surface, plus a reluctant friendship with an investigative reporter she’s afraid will discover her secret, will this really end up being her last case? Or will Liz regain her abilities – as well as her confidence?

Keep an eye on my website for my next big announcement: My first cover reveal!

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