
Week of February 21, 2021

I hope everyone reading this has finally thawed out and has full access to heat, electricity, and safe drinking water. BRRR! That was a cold week!

Now that my favorite pen, which is metal, no longer needs an hour to warm up before I touch it, I’m back to work on my first mystery novel. Would you like to read my elevator pitch? Here it is:

San Antonio Psychic Detective Mysteries

Elizabeth Susan Pond loves her beautiful, historic city of San Antonio, Texas where she works as a private investigator with a secret. Liz was born with Extra Sensory Perception and uses it as a tool to solve her cases, but she refuses to tell her clients or advertise herself as a psychic detective because she doesn’t believe in psychics. Her favorite hobby: busting charlatans.

I’ve always enjoyed anything to do with the paranormal or mysteries whether it be a book, movie or television show, which makes this book extra enjoyable to write.

And the research. Love it! We’ve been to San Antonio many times and always leave looking forward to our next visit even as we drive out of the city. As I look through photos from our trips it is easy to see many places to base an intriguing mystery.

Mother’s Day

“Mad Money & Murder” by Jenni Stand Liz Pond is a private investigator with her own agency in historic San Antonio, Texas. Her specialty is proving that con artists are frauds, and Liz knows just how to spot a fake…by using her own secret psychic abilities. However, after the failed …


Blurb from the back of the book Liz Pond is a private investigator with her own agency in historic San Antonio, Texas. Her specialty is proving that con artists are frauds, and Liz knows just how to spot a fake…by using her own secret psychic abilities. However, after the failed …


Rankings Sadly, “Mad Money & Murder” has dropped off the Top 100 New Releases for Psychic Mysteries & Psychic Thrillers. It was on there for at least three weeks, which is still fantastic! And I certainly will never forget watching it climb the Best Sellers & New Releases Charts that …

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