It’s official. “Death is in the Cards” is out and available for purchase!
After an eventful winter, Pond Investigations’ daily routine is interrupted once again.
Coaxed by a friend, Liz Pond sets up a fortune teller booth for a charity fundraiser. Of course, the people coordinating the event don’t know they are getting a real psychic.
Liz spends her morning reading fortunes for the lovelorn and hopeful. When a young man enters her tent, the mood turns serious after the Death card makes an appearance. A vision of his murder fills her mind. She tries to warn him, but he won’t listen. Before she can do anything more, she is struck on the side of her head by a wayward softball. The injury results in a concussion and a little something extra. Her ESP abilities spin out of control. Her family and friends surround her to help. But with a potential murder on the horizon, Liz may need to bring one more person into her circle of trust. How will Detective A. J. Sowell handle it if Liz tells him she is more than a private investigator?
I’ve been so busy preparing for the release, I completely forgot to add an announcement to my website. As every writer will tell you, marketing is the hardest part. We’d much rather be writing.
I’m already receiving feedback from readers. Between hearing from people who read “Death is in the Cards” in a weekend and watching page counts on Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited reports, it sounds like I have another fast, fun read on my hands. A favorite activity was to watch the reports shift from people reading the first book on KU and immediately see them switch over and start reading the new one. A handful of readers in Australia had a busy week doing exactly this.
Have a wonderful day!
Jenni Stand